Queen's Forbidden Breeding Orgy

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[F] The Queen’s New Mating Ritual: A Hive-Wide Breeding Event I never thought I’d be the one chosen by the Hive Queen. Out of thousands of drones, my life had been pretty standard: gathering nectar, attending to her needs, all under the constant watch of our brood leaders. But last night, everything changed. The Queen announced a new ritual—something that hasn’t been seen in generations—a hive-wide breeding event where select drones would mate with her personally. It was designed to ensure the continuation of her lineage and the expansion of the hive. She summoned me and a handful of others to her chambers, the air thick with pheromones, our bodies already reacting to the intoxicating scent. The Queen was unlike any other. Massive, regal, with a body built for endless fertility. She radiated dominance, and being near her was enough to stir up uncontrollable urges. Her voice was a low, commanding hum that vibrated through my entire body. "You will serve me, and through you, my future offspring will thrive." Her abdomen swelled, her ovipositor gleaming, ready to begin the ritual. The chosen drones, myself included, were lined up and instructed to obey her every command. The experience was overwhelming. Her legs gripped my thorax, holding me steady as she began the process. I could feel her warmth, her authority, as I submitted to the Queen, giving in to her hunger for new life. Her body responded with waves of satisfaction, her ovipositor pulsating, her body shifting to accommodate each drone that came before her. One by one, we bred with her, filling her vast chambers with the buzz of wings and the sounds of breeding. She took everything we had to give, her need insatiable, her dominance over us complete. The process was primal, instinctual, and left me trembling in both awe and exhaustion. After the ritual, I collapsed among the others, spent but proud. We had served our Queen, and soon the hive would be filled with her new offspring. As I lay there, the Hive Queen gently stroked her abdomen, already preparing for the next wave of drones to ensure the hive's continued prosperity. And honestly? I’m still buzzing from the experience. TL;DR: Got chosen to participate in my Hive Queen's new breeding ritual. It was primal, intense, and I'm still feeling the buzz.

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