Classroom Submission: Kevin's Ballbusting Descent into Femdom Slavery

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Kevin ils a ballbusting addict and dream of having his teacher Miss Thompson bust his balls. One day, he opens up to his teacher and ask her to make his balls hurt as much as she wants. As a sadist, Miss Thompson accept and bring him in a class at night with just the two if them. She first tell him to stand in front of the board, to get naked, to present his balls to her by holding them tightly with his hands and to close his eyes. She then takes her ruler and smacks his balls as hard as she can 50 times. She makes him count each smacks. Kevin almost falls to the ground but she keeps him up with a hard knee to the balls. Miss Thompson tells him that this is what he wanted. Miss Thompson was far from finished with her new toy. She took his balls in her hands and started flicking them, alternating between the left and right. Kevin was in both bliss and agony, but at this point, his teacher could do anything she wanted to him, even breaking him completely. After more flicks, Miss Thompson started squeezing his balls hard in her hands. She ordered Kevin to get on all fours while she crushed his balls in her grip. She then made Kevin bark for her as she increased the pressure. She gave him a couple of spankings with the ruler, hitting both his balls and his ass, making both red. After an hour of pain, she asked him if he liked that. Kevin immediately barked and submissively told her that he loved the pain and humiliation and that she could do anything she wanted. Miss Thompson, satisfied with his response, told him that she would crush one of his balls and, thus, officially make him her painslut. Kevin was shaking at first, but the thought of having his teacher break one of his balls made him lose reason. He barked and squatted into submission, waving his dick left and right, to greet his new Mistress. Miss Thompson was satisfied by her new pet and even asked him which ball he would like her to crush. Kevin, still squatting with his legs wide open, said "The right one" timidly. Miss Thompson took a step back and launched a furious kick that landed right into Kevin's testicles, pinning them both. Kevin screamed out in agony and fell face first, holding his balls. Miss Thompson then angrily shouted, "This is not how a painslut should speak to his Mistress, young man! Beg me to crush your right ball. Now!" Kevin, almost sobbing, got back up immediately and shouted, "PLEASE MISTRESS THOMPSON CRUSH MY RIGHT TESTICLE AND TURN IT INTO MUSH!" Miss Thompson, still annoyed, ordered him to lick her shoes before telling him that she would make it especially painful. Kevin thanked her for forgiving his mistake and thanked her again for the pain she inflicted to his balls. After some time where Kevin was licking her boots, Miss Thompson then orders him to place his balls on her desk and to hold his dick up against his stomach. She gets up on the desk as Kevin look up at her shakint from the thought of his teacher breaking his right testicle in his calssroom. She places her foot on top of his right ball and starts applying pressure. After some time toying with his testicle while enjoying his moaning of pain, Miss Thompson places all her weight on her legs and on Kevin's trapped ball. She then starts jumping and mashing his testicle against the hard wood of the table. Each scream, each moan from him wad like music to her ear. She had always wanted to ruin the futur or one of her dear student. After 15 minutes of fun with Kevin's squishy ball, she finally tell him to say bye bye to his right ball. It was time to end it and to mark Kevin as her definitive painslut. She brings her leg up in the air holding it there and then starts counting down from 3. At the count of 0, she smashes her foot like a hammer into Kevin's right testicle, turning it into mush instantly. In the same time that Kevin's ball was crushed under the pressure, his dick sprayed out an insane amount of thick cum that landed on both Kevin and his teacher's foot. Kevin screamed with all the air remaining in hisnlungs before passing out with cum covering his face. Miss Thompson was in bliss. She had found a student that would let her do anything she wanted to his manhood. She took a marker and wrote "Miss Thompson's possession" on his only remaining ball before squeezing it hard to make her new painslut wake up. Kevin woke up quickly from the pain realising that she could castrate him fully whenether she desired. Miss Thompson stoop up and placed her heel inside his peehole before telling him that he is now her painslut and that he will have to do anything she orders if he doesn't want his left ball to also be crushed making him totally castrated. Kevin, still agonizing from his ruptured nut, stoop back up in squatting position with her heel still firmly in his peehole, then barked like the good dog he is and started licking his Misstress' foot to settle the agreement. Miss Thompson smiles as she already knows how she will torment him next for her absolute pleasure.

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